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Chelmsford High School Class of 1997 20th Reunion!

class of 97

Aprile's European Restaurant
75 Princeton St, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
November 24th at 7:30 p.m.
Payment details:
Tickets are $10/person. (Ticket price covers room rental and appetizers. Full food and beverage menu will be available for purchase.) PayPal is the preferred method of payment. Please send money to Carolyn Bleck Kosowski ( via PayPal. Please use the "add a note" option to include your full name -including madien- the number of tickets, and your preferred email address.

If you are unable to use PayPal, you can send a check to Lou DiStasi. 66 High Street Chelmsford, MA 01824. Include your full name - including maiden - the number of tickets, and your preferred email address.

Can't wait to see everyone!

Throwback Yearbooks

Check out the yearbook of the 2000 Throwback Graduation

2000 Chelmsford High Yearbook 1

or find your yearbook at: 
CHS Yearbooks


Throwback Graduations

Here's one from 2000
Find yours here




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