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Dr. L. Rodger Currie has proven to be a generous, but quiet, contributor to the students of CHS. He grew up in Lowell's Highlands neighborhood and graduated from Keith Academy. He was a Marine dive bomber in World War II and received 12 Air Medals. After the war, he continued his education. After his undergraduate work at St. Anselm's College and his graduation from the Dental School of the University of Maryland, he founded Chelmsford Dental Associates (1953.) He had married Patricia O'Dea in 1950 and moved to the Westlands. Dr. and Mrs. Currie raised seven children and celebrated their 50th Anniversary in 2000. In recognition of numerous contributions to the community at large, the Junior Chamber of Commerce named him Man of the Year. He was Chairman of the Ethics Commission of the Massachusetts Dental Society. While Dr. Currie was insistent on keeping the majority of his contributions to many events and projects private, in order to give examples of his generosity, the following instances were mentioned. To complete the landscaping of the newly built George Simonian Alumni Stadium, it was decided to put up flagpoles for the USA, the Commonwealth and the High School. Dr. Currie generously contributed the funding for the high school pole in honor of his son, Christopher, who had died in a plane crash in 1977. The doctor also funded the rest of the landscaping. When the CHS football team won its first Super Bowl, Dr. Currie donated the funds for a celebration dinner for the players, coaches and other significant personnel. 

Throwback Yearbooks

Check out the yearbook of the 2000 Throwback Graduation

2000 Chelmsford High Yearbook 1

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CHS Yearbooks


Throwback Graduations

Here's one from 2000
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