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The Chelmsford Friends of Music was founded in the late '70's to help fill in gaps in music programs and benefit students throughout the system. Throughout intervening years, the Bottle and Can Drives have become a well-known tradition. Among other things, the funds they raise help to support special music programs and help students attend events that might not be available to them under other circumstances. They provide transportation when needed. They organize music lessons after school. The Charter School needed handbells, so the Friends donated the money to buy them. At CHS, when there have been cuts in music programs, the Friends have funded as much as they could. Eventually, many music offerings have gone from being a pull-out activity to being part of the curriculum. One of the main beneficiaries of the generosity of the Friends has been the Marching Band, so that, among other things, it has been able to perform at football games and march in parades. 

Throwback Yearbooks

Check out the yearbook of the 2000 Throwback Graduation

2000 Chelmsford High Yearbook 1

or find your yearbook at: 
CHS Yearbooks


Throwback Graduations

Here's one from 2000
Find yours here




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