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Harry Ayotte's contributions to the kids of Chelmsford began many years ago. In 1963, he formed an under-15 football league with four teams, which led to the eventual creation of the Chelmsford Pop Warner program. His baseball contributions included many years as a groundskeeper, tutor, coach and all-around contributor of time and assistance. He was involved in the development of the Little League fields on Chelmsford Street, and developed myriad summer and fall leagues for skills improvement. The Chelmsford Recreation Department's offerings, including softball, were also beneficiaries of his time and efforts. He and his wife Jacquelyn were also in on the ground floor of the All Sports Booster Club. In his association with the Lowell Boys Club, Harry was known to feel strongly that playing basketball and ping pong was going to go far toward saving as many kids as possible, and he agreed with the director of the Boys Club that, even though you can't 'do it all,' you can work to "keep a good kid good." 

Throwback Yearbooks

Check out the yearbook of the 2000 Throwback Graduation

2000 Chelmsford High Yearbook 1

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Throwback Graduations

Here's one from 2000
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