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As of 2004, Mrs. Carol Cleven had been in town for 45 years, and, at the time of the awarding of the Golden Lion Award, she was being honored for her amazingly long list of contributions to the youth, the schools and the town. She served on the School Committee for 18 years and 1 month. Her involvement in building committees for the present High School, the newer Westlands School, and the Byam School gave her a great deal of satisfaction. Mrs. Cleven was a State Representative for 16 years, and when she retired, according to those honoring her, it 'took four people to replace her.' She served on a number of subcommittees, including those dealing with funding for education reform, the Joint House and Senate Education Committee, the Alzheimer's State Advisory Committee, and the advisory committee to the Secretary of State for Elderly Affairs. In Chelmsford she was active in civic and philanthropic activities including the Paul Center for Learning and Recreation; the Lowell YWCA, where she served as President; and the YWCA at the national level, working to evaluate the role of women internationally. Mrs. Cleven's husband was of great support to her, and she was proud that her two sons were graduates of Chelmsford High School.

Throwback Yearbooks

Check out the yearbook of the 2000 Throwback Graduation

2000 Chelmsford High Yearbook 1

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CHS Yearbooks


Throwback Graduations

Here's one from 2000
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