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Major Decisions
First Meeting:  Discuss the following then assign members to get availabitity and prices.

Set a Date (Decide on a few dates)
Venue and Format (Dinner, Finger Foods, Buffet etc)
    Contact Local Hotels if necessary for room bookings
Programming (Entertainment, Speakers, Fundraising for charities and etc)
Website Development and Social Media (CHSAA will host your website free)

Second Meeting:  Discuss findings and assign the following tasks. (CHSAA holds all the leftover class funds. We will also front a reasonable amount of money for deposits. Contact Rob Russo for more info.)

Solidify date and send out deposit. Banquet manager will guide you through the process with the venue
Book Entertainment
Decide additional costs
    Raffle Prizes
    Deceased classmate tribute
    Door prizes or momentos   
    Who will you invite: Often classes will invite Advisors, Teachers and Administrators. This is your reunion,
    invite who you want, but plan on pricing to cover their costs.
Set Budget and Pricing

Third and Subsequent Meetings: Leg work

Get the word out. Website/Social Media
Discuss Issues Encountered
Set Deadlines
Meet periodically as needed to ensure a successfull event!

Throwback Yearbooks

Check out the yearbook of the 2000 Throwback Graduation

2000 Chelmsford High Yearbook 1

or find your yearbook at: 
CHS Yearbooks


Throwback Graduations

Here's one from 2000
Find yours here




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