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Calling All CHS Alumni!

CHS Students Need YOUR Help!

Share your professional experiences
with CHS Juniors!
 5th Annual Career Options Breakfast

June 8th, 2018 @ 7:20 - 8:20, CHS

The Career Options Breakfast is an opportunity for CHS juniors to meet with two alumni in small groups to discuss your careers. Many students think they know what they want to do for a career but have never really spoken to someone in that profession. This will give the students a chance to ask questions about specific careers.
  • It will take place during the first block of the day (attendance will take place at the breakfast) it will start at exactly 7:20 am and end at 8:20.
  • Each student will attend (2) 25 minute sessions with careers of their choice (they will pick them ahead of time).
  • Each speaker will talk about their career choice, the college they attended, the major they chose and why, do they like their job, does it pay well…. etc.
If you would be interested in signing up please contact Cindy Acheson at 978-341-5613 or email


Throwback Yearbooks

Check out the yearbook of the 2000 Throwback Graduation

2000 Chelmsford High Yearbook 1

or find your yearbook at: 
CHS Yearbooks


Throwback Graduations

Here's one from 2000
Find yours here




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