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Bruce C. Rich      

CHS Class of 1973

CHS ‘73
Class Vice-President, Key Club, Gymnastics Show, Baseball (2,3), Wresting (2,3,4)—Co-Captain (4), All-Conference (4), 3rd Place State Meet (4), Football (2,3,4) Defensive Back, Tight End & Kicker—All-Conference (4), Most Valuable Player (4)

Boston University
BS Physical Education & Health ’77 Four year athletic scholarship (2 sports-Football & Wrestling) Football (1,2,3,4) Defensive Back/Place Kicker, All New England DB (4), 4 time game captain (4), Held all BU place kicking records, Gaston Award-Outstanding Back (4), Wrestling (1,2,3,4) New England Place Winner (2,3,4) Yankee Conference Champion (2,4), Greater Boston Champion (2,3,4), Boston University Athletic Council (Student Representative)

Boston Archdiocese Teacher-Physical Education; Chelmsford, MA Public Schools Teacher-Physical Education, Adaptive Physical Education system wide, McCarthy Middle School Teacher-Physical Education, Parker Middle School Teacher-Physical Education, Coaching Career Chelmsford High School Golf (Assistant Coach), Girls Tennis (Head Coach), Baseball (Freshman Coach), Softball (Head Coach), Football (Head Freshman Coach, Varsity Defensive Back Coach, Offensive Coordinator, Assistant Head Coach, Varsity Head Coach), Wrestling (Freshman Head Coach, Varsity Head Coach), Annual Shriners All-Star Football Game (Assistant Coach); Records Girls Tennis 17-3, Softball 124-76—Three Conference & One State Championship, Football— 29-20-2 One Conference Championship & One Super Bowl Finalist, Wrestling 360-62-7 Twelve Conference Championship, Eight Division 1 North Sectional Championships, Five Division 1 State Championships, One New England Championship; 

Wrestling Coach of the Year Lowell Sun 1984, 1985, 1986, 1990, 1993, 1999, 2000 Boston Globe 1986, 1999 Massachusetts Coaches Association 1985, 1986, 1990, 1999, 2000 National Federation of Wrestling Coaches 1989, 1995; Inducted into the Massachusetts Coaches Association Hall of Fame 1998; Massachusetts Coaches Association-Vice-President, CHSAA; Greater Lowell Special Olympics Committee