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Hall of Fame Members List

(L) - Life Member of CHSAA
(P) - Inducted Posthumously
(D) - Deceased

Mark Dearborn 86



Mark S. Dearborn
Class of 1986





  • Record-breaking hockey player at CHS
  • High scoring professional defensive hockey player
  • Exceptional corporate contributor in relocation industry
  • Many years of deep immersion in philanthropic endeavors

Mark was a record-breaking hockey player at Chelmsford High. This led to his career as a high-scoring professional defensive hockey player. Off-season work in the relocation industry led to a post-hockey career in which he moved through the ranks, while establishing, among other things, the Arpin Charitable Foundation. The Foundation contributes where need is greatest. Mark contributed time and talent to numerous other worthy causes, making sure that he helped to meet the needs of those who are not able to help themselves. One of the programs, Run To Home Base, designated him as a Top Five fundraiser for the entire event…indicative of the deep commitment he had demonstrated in many endeavors.